Tuesday 31 May 2016

Revision Tips!

Hello everyone! I'm very sorry I haven't uploaded a new blog post in almost 3 months! I've been super busy with school and other exciting things, such as seeing The Vamps on their 2016 Wake Up World Tour! But it's now half term and I'm hoping to upload a lot more throughout the summer months! My uploads might not always be regular because of exams etc but I will try my best!
Now onto today's upload! As I'm sure you are all aware, it is exam season so the majority of us are extremely busy revising and hoping to get the best grades possible. So today's upload is going to be some of my tips for revising for exams. You have probably heard of the majority of these tips, however they certainly work and I would totally recommend!
So here goes!
1) Tip number 1 is getting organised!
It may sound very simple but getting organised is one of the most important things during the exam period. There is nothing worse than stressing and worrying about deadlines that you are unsure of when you have a tonne of other work to be doing! So I recommend creating a revision/ homework timetable. This is a great way to ensure you are putting enough effort into each subject and still leaving time for fun activities and relaxing. You can either create your own revision timetable on excel or you can use an online website to create one for you. Either way, if you stick to your timetable then you will feel incredibly accomplished after each revision session. Here is an example of a revision timetable that has the perfect balance of revision and free time:
2) Revise for a certain length of time.
 Revising for 30 minutes a time is the best way to remember all the information you are going to need. By going for longer than about 45 minutes, you will stop absorbing the information and you
will just become exhausted and unmotivated. So 30-45 minutes of solid revision is the best way forward!
3) Take breaks!
One of the most important things when revising is ensuring you take breaks. Whether it going for a walk, listening to music or just sitting on your phone for 15 minutes, breaks are so important. It is a chance for you to clear your mind and prepare to move onto a new subject. If you don't take breaks then you will just become exhausted and it will not do you any good!
4) Rewarding yourself!
During the exam period you can become stressed and forget to take time out for yourself. So make sure you occasionally reward yourself, whether it is with food, watching your favourite TV show, buying some new make up or going on a shopping spree, have something that will motivate you to study and then reward yourself for your hard work! This makes studying somewhat bearable as you will have something to look forward too.
5) Colour!
Revision notes can be very bland and boring, making them unappealing so you don't really want to look at them. So take some time and make your revision notes/ queue cards nice and colourful and pretty so that you enjoy reading them. Also highlighting key information is a great way for you to memorise key facts/dates etc. Using colour will also help you associate different subjects/ topics with different colours so you are surely going to remember everything you need to!
6) Revision Guides!
Now this tip is probably quite an obvious one, but people sometimes forget how helpful revision guides really are! They have all of the information you are possibly going to need for each subject and are produced by the exam board. Even though some of the jokes are not great, personally I wouldn't be able to survive the exam period without my revision guides! Also be sure to speak to your teachers to make sure you purchase the correct revision guides, and if you are lucky, your school/ college may be able to get you discounts on revision guides so be sure to ask!
7) Join a club!
This may be a bit weird, however joining a club, whether it's in or out of school, is a great way to have some fun during the exam period. It takes your mind off of the stress and is an opportunity to make/ hang out with friends. For example, you could join a sports club such as rounder's, tennis or football or you could join a drama or dance club. Maybe take up cheerleading, or even join guides or a youth group! All of these examples are great ways to detox and have some fun during the exam period. But remember to choose something you will enjoy!

8) Try your best and believe in yourself!
It sounds so simple, but is so important! As long as you try your best and believe in yourself the whole way, then I'm sure you will do fine in your exams.

Good Luck!!